Break-Away™ Stop Smoking: A Lifesaving Solution in 1-3 Sessions Guaranteed!


Stop Smoking in the Comfort of Your Home.

No Weight Gain, No Medication, No Stress, No Struggle.

Smartphone Consultations are Smart and Effective.

We can stop anyone from smoking!

We teach you through a combination of behavior modification and NLP, to deter the habit of smoking without weight gain or withdrawal. You will immediately experience control over cravings, and apply powerful techniques that will help you to become a non-smoker forever.

We have the tools for you.

Our Stop Smoking Program is one of the fastest and safest way to quit smoking. Many programs use patches, pills and groups; and take up to three (3) months to stop smoking. Just think, by next week, you can be a non-smoker without struggle or willpower.

Guided Meditation A Lifesaving Solution

Anything you do for 21 days may turn into a habit. It is a fact that the smoking habit is the most preventable cause of death. Unfortunately, habits tend to be permanent until they are professionally impacted and changed. Most programs neglect the vital role of the MIND but it is the MISSING LINK for success and optimum health. If your mind created the habit it can be taught how to break it!

If you have tried everything to stop smoking like patches, pills, and injections
OR If you gain weight or have withdrawal when you struggle to stop smoking

What People are saying about our BREAK-AWAY™ STOP SMOKING Program!

Thank you for helping me stop smoking and drinking. When I left your office I had about 1/2 pack of (cigarettes) in the bed of my truck. They blew out on the way home and I have not touched a cigarette since. –Robert Thompson, Educator

I started smoking at age 14 and was a smoker for over 20 years. I found out about Dr. Smith from a friend who had been smoking longer than myself. She told me she got help and I should try it. So do you think I went right away? Nope. It was a year later when I saw that my friend was still a non-smoker. So just think about it, I could’ve been a non-smoker a year earlier, but it’s OK. I’m a non-smoker NOW!! –Tiffany Martin

I was a 2 pack a day smoker for 36 years. I tried the patches and pills but they gave me bad side effects. With the help of Dr. Smith, I was able to stop with no weight gain and no irritability. If you really want to stop, this is the way to do it. –Janet Marsh

I have been a smoker for 57 years and considered to be the worst possible case that all my friends and relatives knew. I saw an ad in the newspaper to quit smoking and thought I would give it a try. I knew that I could not quit on my own so I gave Dr. Smith’s office a call. After my first session with Dr. Smith, I have completely quit. I cannot believe it. People that know me are amazed. If I can do it, anyone can. I highly recommend it. Three packs a day are gone forever. –Mark Parker

I smoked for 30 years at least 1 pack a day. If I had known I could have stopped smoking this easy, I would have tried this psychological approach years ago. –Thomas Faldwell

The cost of 1 pack per day $1,825 for one year
Cost in five years $8,400
Cost in ten years $16,800

Cost per pack
Based on $10 Per Pack

# Per Day Cost Per
Day Week Month Year 5 Years 10 Years
5 $2.50 $17.50 $70 $840 $4,200 $8,400
10 $5.0 $35.0 $140 $1,680 $8,400 $16,800
20 $10.0 $70.0 $280 $3,650 $16,800 $33,600
30 $15.0 $105.0 $420 $5,040 $25,200 $50,400
40 $20 $140 $480 $6,720 $33,600 $67,200
60 $30 $210 $840 $10,080 $50,400 $100,800